Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ginger Ale!

Oh I am loving me some ginger ale! Fresh, refreshing, versatile, sizzling, summer cool fun. Having me a big ole glass right now after a 3.8 mile run and a 3.0 mile fast walk!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

In the Fifties

This could mean a few different things!

I was born in the fifties..............................1958, to be exact!
My age is in the fifties...............................52 to be exact!

Tonight the temp is supposed to be in the fifties..............................I'll believe it when I see/er feel it!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ginger Tea, Rex Style!

One of the nurses at Rex offered to make Jenni some ginger tea after her C-section to soothe her tummy. It peaked my curiosity because I didn't see any in the galley. This is how it's made.

Heat some ginger ale in the microwave, not too hot and it will still be bubbly. Add a tea bag and let it steep for a few minutes. Enjoy!

Who da thunk it?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My New Name!

Grandma, Nana, Grammy, Grandmommy, Gommy!

Whatever Tippett wants to call me is fine with me!

Monday, June 14, 2010

DOT Electronic Signboard Update

Well maybe the DOT read my Blog? They have changed the time to get to Duke Street to 5-9 minutes. Guess they didn't want us speeding too much, eh? Today it took me at least 6 minutes and I was driving at least 70 mph. I had to keep up with traffic, right?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Really now, DOT??

The NC Dept of Transportation must be trying to get us to speed on the highways these days! There is a sign on the Durham Freeway just before Alexander Drive that has had estimated arrival times for Duke Street and 15-501 on there for the past couple of weeks. Usually when there isn't any delays, it states 4-8 minutes to get to Duke Street. Being the curious person that I am, I timed how long it took me along with how many miles it is.

I was suprised to find that it is 6.5 miles from that sign to the Duke St. exit and it took me about 6 minutes to get there.Tthe speed limit is 65 for about half the way and 55 the rest of the way. So I figure it averages out to 60 miles an hour, which is a mile a minute. Minimum time to get there should be 6 - 7 minutes. So how can one get there in 4 minutes? You gotta drive 97 miles per hour! Wonder if Mr State Trooper would like that idea?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I am Baaaaaaaaaccccckkkkkkkk!

I took a little Blog-posting-hiatus! Lot's of stuff going on!
Zack and Amanda came to the house and cooked a shrimp boil for Mother's day!
Amanda got her master's degree in nursing at UNC-G!
Jim got a temp job and was in Cincinnati, Ohio for 4 out of 5 weeks!
Alex had a stroke and many dr appts and tests!
Jenni's baby is due in 13 days! We had lots of baby showers!
I cleaned Jenni's downstairs carpets. I am nesting with her!
Wine-tasting aka Book Club meeting at my house!
I had a birthday! #52
We went to the beach for Memorial Day!
I've been trying to get back into my running!

I am sure you will lots of cute baby pictures here in a few weeks!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fried Jicama

Since I have been on a low carb diet, potatoes are definitely out! No french fries! Ok so I have had maybe 3 or 4 because Alex likes to tempt me!

Introducing the Jicama, otherwise known as a "Mexican potato" or a "Mexican Yam Bean." It's actually kin to sweet potatoes and I hate them! Many people describe the taste as being a cross between a white potato and an apple because it is a bit sweet. However, it is low in carbs, fat free and high in Vitamin C. Once peeled and cut, it lasts up to 2 weeks in a Ziploc bag in the refrigerator and does not turn brown. It can be used in place of chips or crackers for spinach dip or cut thinly or in strips and fried as potato chips or fries.

It took me awhile to find them and I finally went to Harris Teeter on the advice of a friend. So on Sunday, I cut them in strips and fried em up in a little olive oil, added salt and pepper and some low sugar ketchup. They were pretty good, tasted almost like french fries with a hint of sweetness.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I have always been a "tea drinker." Cold Southern Sweet Tea, that is! Occasionally, I had a cup of hot tea, but didn't think too much about it. A year or so back that all changed!

I don't remember exactly when I turned into a hot tea drinker. I guess it evolved. A couple of years ago, my sister-in-law, Sucha, took me to The Oatlands Plantation in Leesburg, Va for afternoon tea. I really enjoyed it, but I didn't buy any tea! Then Jenni and I had a girls' weekend at our beach house in the fall of 2008 and her college roommate, Meg and her mom, Kathy came and she brought a hostess gift of teas and a teapot. We all had tea and I enjoyed it. But that was it!

In late June, 2009, Jenni and I headed to the DC for a girls weekend with Meg and Kathy and they took us to The British Tea Pantry in Aldie, Va and it clicked. We shopped around in the quaint little town and I bought a cool little Sontu Tea Pot from TeaForte, along with a box of Raspberry Nectar tea. Now I need to back up to Meg's wedding in May 2007! The favors at the reception were individual TeaForte tea's on a single tea tray! I guess you could say, I got hooked on TeaForte! And over the next year or so I bought the matching cup to the Sontu cup, and a Cafe Cup for me and Jenni.

Last spring, we planned afternoon tea at The Pineapple Tea Room in Apex, with our good friends Pat and Hilary. There is where I discovered Octavia Teas and I purchased a tin of Berries and Cream after ordering it there. It is like drinking dessert. We were pleasantly surprised when Hilary and Pat served it at a Tea Baby Shower for Jenni a couple of weeks ago! They had another choice, but I think everyone chose Berries and Cream and raved about it!

Last December Jim and I went back to Charleston, SC to celebrate our anniversary and on the advice of another good friend. Carolyn, we visited the Charleston Tea Plantation. Of all the many times we have visited Charleston, we had never heard of it and we were pleasantly surprised. We learned a lot of cool things about tea and found out that this is the only place in North America where tea is grown due to the prime conditions of heat and humidity that exist there. Jim and I selected 3 tins of tea and now I have turned him into a tea drinker. We have learned to love the aromatic bergamot in Governor Grey. Then when Jenni, Ben, my dad and I were down there for the Cooper River Bridge Run in late March, I took them there for a tour and got some more teas! Jim and I enjoy "evening tea" almost every night after dinner, so I had to replenish my stock!

Meg and Kathy came to my house a few weekends ago for the baby shower at Hilary's and we shopped for teas at Southern Season after a wine tasting and then enjoyed afternoon tea at the Pineapple Tea Room the next day.

I also enjoy SleepyTime calming chamomile most nights. Not sure if it really works but it sure hasn't hurt! I guess you could say I am enjoying the art of tea! Take time to let your senses enjoy the aromas!

Next stop is the Washington Duke Inn for afternoon tea with Jenni and my mom and Amanda!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hurry Up!......................and Wait!

We've spent enough time in hospital waiting rooms to know the drill!

Zack has had a lot of sinus infections, probably from being immunosuppressed by his anti-rejection drugs. He in surgery right now at Duke Raleigh to get them clean out. Roto-rooter type stuff I think! So Amanda and I are sitting in the waiting room, just chilling out. Zack and I coined the term "hurry up and wait" about 7 years ago when he had his heart transplant. I guess you could say we are seasoned chair warmers these days!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Iggy is at the Rainbow Bridge!

Today was a really hard day. It was “time.” It was Igor’s time to go to the Rainbow Bridge. He left quite a few paw prints on my heart. He chose me to be his “person” and I am proud to be his fur-baby mommy for almost 20 years! I had taken him to the vet in September with concerns about his frailness, but it wasn’t time……………………..yet. Dr. Staggs said I would know when the time was right, and she was correct. I miss him so much, but I know it was the right thing to do as I was entrusted with his care. It was peaceful and comforting to see that he isn’t in pain with stiff old joints and itchy-dry skin and oozing cysts and blind and about deaf.

He is chasing butterflies at the Rainbow Bridge……………………………….waiting!

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daylight Savings Time = Spring!

As much as I hate getting up early and yes my body does know it’s an hour earlier, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Daylight savings time! I do realize there are still the exact same number of daylight hours in the day, but I equate this event with spring!

It happens in ONE week!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ben’s 30th Birthday Bash!

My son-in-law turned 30 on March 6th and my daughter Jenni arranged a nice little party at Tyler’s Taproom in Apex for about 20 people. It was very nice, with 4 or 5 different appetizers and drinks on a bar tab. Ben is a HUGE Duke fan so we watched the Duke-Carolina game, which Duke won quite handily 82-50!

Here are a few pics! Okay, maybe more than a few, but you know how I am with cameras!

Ben being Ben!

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Ben's 30th Birthday Bash 036

Ben kissing his bride!

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My boys!

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Ben with his parents!

Ben's 30th Birthday Bash 018

What is Zack pointing to?

Ben's 30th Birthday Bash 025

Liquid presents!

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Me and my two dates!

Ben's 30th Birthday Bash 016

Has Spring Finally Sprung?

Usually by this time of the year, we have had some “shorts and T-shirt days. Not this year, until today! I headed off to Target for a few odds and ends and groceries and stuff at about 11 am. It was 50 degrees and I was in a long sleeved t-shirt and a sweatshirt (Duke of course!) and was still a little chilly. The cold was lingering in the garage and my car and  ran the heat full blast all the way to Apex.

By the time I shopped and paid and came out, it was a bright sunny day and my car thermometer registered 63! The interior had warmed up so at first I popped the sunroof open in the back. Well that just didn’t do it, so I opened it all the way and drove all the way home with the radio blaring XM Radio channel 25, The Blend!

Let me mention I ran in a short sleeved shirt and capris! Oh and I saw buds ready to burst! I got the FEVER!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Jim and I are doing a low-carb diet! Physician approved, I may add! We got some recipes from the program and tried one the other night and it was yummy! Potatoes are starchy and very high in carbs so we made mashed cauliflower.



1 head of cauliflower, cut or broken into  chunks
1/3 cup cream
4 oz cream cheese
1 tablespoon butter
salt and pepper to taste


Simmer cauliflower in water with 1/3 cup of cream add (to retain the white color) until very soft. Drain very well and place in food processor or mash by hand (can you say exercise!) Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth.

Other ideas are stew beef with fauxtatoes, shrimp and cheese “grits” made with fauxtatoes, creamed chick over fauxtatoes.

Better than MASHED starch!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Mom’s 80th Birthday Celebration!

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Many pictures ahead! My whole  family (we were missing my nephew, Seth, stationed in Hawaii)finally got together to celebrate my mom’s 80th birthday after being postponed twice due to snow. We also included my dad’s 84th and my nephew’s 36th, Ben’s 30th, Maegan's 20th and Zack’s 7th “heart” birthday, and Jim’s 58th! We just kept adding blessings as we went though the prayer!

We kept those cameras going and although we posed for many pictures, some of my favorites include the goofing around ones while we were getting situated! But as you can see, we didn’t lack for hugs!

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My mom with her 3 great granddaughters! There is a great grandson in the “oven.”

Mamaw's 80th Birthday Party 017

Amanda (daughter-in-law) and Linda, my nephew’s wife.

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My mom with all of her granddaughters (including greats and in-laws)

Mamaw's 80th Birthday Party 127

Me and Jim with my parents!

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My mom and dad with the grandsons! Tipp will be here next time!

Mamaw's 80th Birthday Party 102

This is those guys goofing off before the “real” picture! Gotta love it!

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My nephew Phil and his love Maegan! I feel the love!

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The master chef aka hubby!

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Sister-in-law Terry serves cake after our ghetto birthday candle!

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Me and my brother goofing off!

Mamaw's 80th Birthday Party 129

My mom and dad with my son, their youngest grandchild!

Mamaw's 80th Birthday Party 121

Jenni (and Tipp) and Ben with mom and dad!

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Feeling the love from my sister-in-law, Terry!

Mamaw's 80th Birthday Party 138

Mom and granddaughter, Allie getting a big hug!

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Me and two of my best friends, Deb and Michele……….going on 25 years!

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My two sisters-in-law, Linda and Terry. Do they match or clash?

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My dad and my brother, David contemplating the fun…………..or maybe the food?

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Mom and the BIG cake!

Mamaw's 80th Birthday Party 123

Mom and dad with Zack and Amanda!Mamaw's 80th Birthday Party 132

Nephew, Sterling looking like he was up to something!

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Mom and dad opening gifts!

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Group hug!

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Old Lamps!

So what do you do when you repaint the living room yellow and your silver lamps just don’t match anymore???

You buy a couple cans of spray paint and wait for a warm, spring day and throw down a tarp over the deck and PAINT ‘em!

2010 Snow at the Beach 046

2010 Snow at the Beach 049

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Beach Snow 2010

We woke up to 2-3 inches of snow at North Myrtle Beach on Saturday morning. The temp was 32 but the roads were totally fine. Here are a few pics!

Me being silly!


Snow on the dunes!

2010 Snow at the Beach 021

My son-in-law, Ben made a snow monkey!

2010 Snow at the Beach 019

A sad beach flag!

2010 Snow at the Beach 016

Snow on the dunes and fence!

2010 Snow at the Beach 032

How ironic! A snow covered palm tree!

2010 Snow at the Beach 039

The bush by the pool. Swimming anyone?

2010 Snow at the Beach 046

Mine (right) and my brother’s (left) townhouses! Thanks big bro for setting me straight!

2010 Snow at the Beach 012