Sunday, May 10, 2009

On the Boat!

My son bought a boat from a friend for a really good deal and keeps it at MY house! hehehe!
So he and Amanda came out to my house on Saturday and took me out for a little Mother's day cruise!They weren't going to be able to come to Jenni's on Sunday for the Mother's Day luncheon so it was really good to see them and spend some time with them.

Zack and Amanda and my mom.

Zack and my dad check out the motor!

Zack had these gorgeous flowers delivered to me at work on Friday. He and Amanda are so sweet!


Karen said...

Hey Marianne - looks like you had a great weekend with a bunch of fine-looking relatives!!

Hope you have a great week! K

Just Marianne said...

Yeah I guess I'll keep them! Thanks! Hoe your mother's day was equally as adventurous!