Thursday, May 28, 2009

Garmin Forerunner 405

I have an ipod and a Nike plus thingy to track my distance and pace while I run but sometimes it just doesn't work too good..........quits for no reason. Plus since I run/walk/run, the calibration is different. I have a longer stride length when I walk so it records a lesser mileage. I have been wanting a Garmin Forerunner for a while now. And my good runner girl friend, Joyce WON, yes WON one and she inspired me to go for it!

I had some gift cards from Dick's Sporting Goods left over from Christmas and I recently had a birthday, ok, yesterday, and I got some gift cards from the hubby and my youngest son Alex and money from my daughter. Additionally, I had a $20 off card I got in the mail. So, I bee-bopped down to Dick's after lunch and bought one. Oh yeah, it had a $50 rebate and the nice guy at the register just took it right off the total and credited it back to my credit card.

It's a little difficult to navigate but I am getting used to it. The easiest part was just to press start and go! I'll get to the details later! I downloaded it to the Garmin website and then even exported it as a .tcx file and imported that into Are you confused now?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Bikes!

As usual, we took our bikes down to our beach house for the week. But sadly, they were stolen off our patio the first night we were there. Our townhouse is in a golf community/development and we always felt it was safe but.......................... Now we know we should have locked them up!

We had plans to do some riding. I like to ride on the beach and Jim and I often ride to the point or back in a residential area of Tilghman beach or the abandoned golfcart paths of the old Robber's roost Golf Club behind us. Needless to say we were bummed! We had thought about buying some new ones while down there, but Performance Bikes at home was having a good sale.

Glad we waited! Jim and I met at the Chapel Hill store after work today and ordered some Schwinn Voyageurs! Black for Jim and Cream for me!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Cute Turtles!

I snapped these pictures on our last trip down here at our beach house. We have several protected ponds in our development, plus I had a new camera and was camera crazy!

Sitting on a log!

Coming up to see me. I think he thought I had some food!

Just the view, showing proximity to the houses!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Things I Hear in the Middle of the Night!

Early this morning, 12:39 to be exact, I woke up to the tune of Neil Diamond crooning his heart out on my ipod. That was really weird! Yesterday evening I had put my ipod on the dock to listen to some good "Sweet Caroline" and then it finshed. We ended up watching TV and I never checked the ipod again. When I woke up to the loud music, I was really frightened since we were the only ones here at our beach house, and I just so sure that someone must have broken in to play music a little after midnight! I was too afraid to be scared and marched right into the kitchen and saw that it was the ipod and no one else. I quickly jerked it off the dock, laid it on the counter top and headed back to bed. As I lay in bed, with my heart pounding, I was trying to figure it out, and it suddenly dawned in me that when you plug in a clock, the alarm resets to the default 12:00 am. I must have accidentally turned on the alarm and it played the ipod at midnight! I was surely in deep sleep if it took me 39 minutes to wake up!

So after dinner tonight, I took a look at the clock radio/ipod docking station and I could not see that the alarm was set to 12:00 or even that it was turned off. I give up! At least I won't have the ipod in there tonight!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tropical Trash!

When you hear the word "tropical," what image does your mind conjure up? Pretty little umbrellas perched in sweet sticky drinks? Somewhere fun? Carefree and happy times? Special trips with lavish food and drink! I guess people add "tropical" to anything to make it look/seem/feel better!

Does that work for trash too?

This just tickled me funny bone!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Personalized Plates!

We love them! We are hooked on them!

Mine! Amanda and Zack helped me figure out how to make it fit! Plus, that's what my wine label is. Yes, I make wine and that will be a different blog!

My hubby's! Our beach house is at the Cherrygrove section at North Myrtle Beach, SC.

I guess we like Honda's too!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Trying to Keep Up with Amanda

I went over to Zack and Amanda's to run with her after work. There were quite some hills and I struggled to keep up with her! She inspires me to try harder and I love running with her. She might think differently though, LOL!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

On the Boat!

My son bought a boat from a friend for a really good deal and keeps it at MY house! hehehe!
So he and Amanda came out to my house on Saturday and took me out for a little Mother's day cruise!They weren't going to be able to come to Jenni's on Sunday for the Mother's Day luncheon so it was really good to see them and spend some time with them.

Zack and Amanda and my mom.

Zack and my dad check out the motor!

Zack had these gorgeous flowers delivered to me at work on Friday. He and Amanda are so sweet!

Mother's Day Luncheon

My daughter, Jenni, invited us over to her house for a fancy Mother's day luncheon! She loves to entertain and enjoys her nice things. So we ate croissant chicken salad sandwiches and a very yummy strawberry spinach salad on her wedding china and silver and we sipped champagne out of crystal champagne flutes! Not just plain ole chicken salad either! She used rotisserie chicken and grapes and almonds. Even the champagne was almond flavored!

My mom and dad came home from the beach to our house on Saturday so it was good to be able to spend Mother's day with them. Unfortunately, Zack had to work and Amanda was studying for her last exam of the year in Nurse Anesthesia school and we missed them.

Three generations sitting on the couch opening mother's day cards! I love this pic of me, my daughter and my mom!

My youngest son, Alex with me and mom.

My mom and dad with Jenni and Ben!

Riding the Harley

Zack rode out to the house after church and work to say hi to us and wish me and my mom and Happy Mother's Day! Doesn't mamaw look cool on a Harley?

Getting my helmet all buckled up. Yes I know it was almost 80 outside and I thought Zack was crazy by suggesting that I get my fleece jacket, but I sure appreciated it in all that breeze!

Bye Yall!

After a nice ride to the lake and to see Sara and down to the end of RidgeView and back, we came back safe and sound. I was just getting used to it!

Happy Mother's day!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Different Girls' Weekend In Williamsburg!

First a little bit of history here! My friend for almost 20 years has had a girls' weekend in Williamsburg for about the same number of years. After moving to North Carolina from Pennsylvania, that was a way to reconnect with her friends. I have gone with her for several years now and we have extended the invitation to the second generation. My daughter Jenni started joining us when she was a student at Virginia Tech in Blackburg and Pat's daughter Hilary comes too! We always go for a weekend close to the end of October, but Jenni and I were there this weekend.

Jenni's roommate from college is getting married on May 30th. She grew up in Herndon, Virginia, but her parents moved to Williamsburg when she was in college. One of her mom's new friends gave her a bridal shower this weekend so Jenni and I went...........................without Pat and Nancy and Carolyn and Hilary! We had fun and were really busy, but we missed them. Everywhere we went, we said "there's our Friday's!"; "there's our outlets!"; "there's our Christmas Mouse!" We have evn planned what we will buy in October when we go back with Pat and the others. Hopefully we will be buying maternity and baby stuff! Oh, not for me LOL~!

Jenni and Stephanie and the "out of towners" for her shower!

My beautiful daughter, Jenni! We have so much fun together. I am so glad she lives only 12 miles from me!