Saturday, September 26, 2009

Training for the Half Marathon!

My friend, Lindsey, from work who is my daughter’s age, has talked me into running a half marathon. So I decided it could be on my bucket list! What’s a little ole 13.1 miles? The way I figure it, if worse came to worse, I’ll just walk the whole thing. So back in May, I signed up for the Outerbanks Half-Marathon. Then at another friend, Joyce's suggestion, I went to Runner’s World online and got a training plan for 12 weeks. I entered a previous race time, how hard I want to train, the date of the race and what kind of race and lo and behold, you get a nifty little plan telling you when to run and how far in so many minutes. I’ve actually been pretty good at following the plan, but lately they have added a long run in the middle of the week. A five miler on Thursdays! I can just hear it now, asking my boss if I can leave early to go home to run??

Some days I just don’t feel like running and my times are terrible. I end up walking the majority of it. But I figured I am moving in a forward direction so that’s ok.

Today was a good run and it was mostly a run, not much walking at all, 4.5 miles  in 54 minutes and 32 seconds! Let me do that math for ya, oh my Garmin did it already. That’s an average of 12 minutes and 7 seconds per mile. I am getting better!

My goal is to finish the half in under 3 hours! Gotta keep running!


Karen said...

hey marianne! you, a girly girl? no way! good luck with the run - i admire your efforts (i need to get moving...)

love the blog background - i have a little trouble seeing the writing though...

see ya soon, k

Joyce Mineer said...

You rock like the star you are!!! Keep up the GREAT work and you're right, just keeping moving forward!!! Know that I'm thinking of you and rootin' you on all the way from Bear Creek!!! And remember, the miracle isn't that you finish, it's that you had the courage to START!!!!

I wrapped up the Carrboro 10k (6.25 miles) in 1:04-54. I was okay with that. Running another one, the Wicked 10k in VA Beach, Halloween morning - planning on running that one in under an hour!!! Va Beach is flat :) Ha! Wish me luck!!!

FYI...there's the little 4k Pumpkin Trail Run in Chapel Hill Saturday October 24. Lots of fun - good practice - fund raiser for YMCA. You may want to check out the website! Just trying to keep you in the loop runner girlfriend!

Can't wait to see you later this month!

Hugs - Joyce