Sunday, November 8, 2009

Outer Banks Half Marathon

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Untitled


Karen said...

hey! you are dedicated for sure....that site is cool! how did you gain 1604 ft in elevation?

see ya soon, k

Just Marianne said...

Thanks! I don't think the elevation thingy works too well on my Garmin! I sure didn't go up and down may hills. However, the bridge was over 600 feet high!

Joyce Mineer said...

You ROCK, ROCK, ROCK!!!!! I am so proud of you!!! Pics - you got pics???!!! Did you cry when you crossed the finish line? I'm such a dork! I cried when I crossed the finish line of my first half!!!
I hope your "high" lasts for weeks!!
Warm hugs your way!!! You are awesome!!!!

Just Marianne said...

Hey Joyce! I did cry! It was so emotional. I think a bit of a sob choked out so I know exactly what you mean. The crowd had lined both sides of the street for a block and everyone was cheering and clapping and calling my name (first names were printed on our bibs) and then the announcer called my full name.
Yeah still got that high and am thinking of doing another one in a few months. I can't wait to run tomorrow as this weather hasn't been cooperative this week. I signed up for the Pittsboro Reindeer Run. How about you?

I miss you girl!